Love. This is the kind of subject I've been trying to avoid discussing in here. Well to be honest, it's just because I WAS kind of bitter, hehe. I told myself that if I'm to write something about love again, it better not be about waiting anymore 'cause the more I get into "doodling" about it (haha), the more I'm drawn to the reminder that the stakes are getting high for a single "aging" lady like me, haha. Waiting is not easy, needless to say, but I was able to do a lot for the Lord and for myself with it. It has been my constant companion in the midst of this love-sick world. I gotta say, I think I've already gotten over the bitter part. The sweet part is already here and it's giving me chills. Hehe.
I just want to write something about him.
He is the kind of guy you might choose last if you line him up with the pretty ones. Though he may never become the epitome of what the world takes as ideal, what's in him is what every woman in the world would go for or get into a cat fight for, haha, it's his love. He always understands and says the right things at the right time. He is willing to walk a mile with me but will take the first step just to make sure that though the journey might be long, the road I'm gonna be walking on will be safe. He makes me laugh but not with funny jokes ('cause believe me, he's not really good at cracking 'em, LOL), but with his simple banters and concerns that has to do with me. It's not the kind of laugh you let out when you're watching a comedy movie, but the kind you let out when your heart is just full of joy. He tells me I'm beautiful though sometimes I think Dorothy's witch is better-looking than I am, haha, its the hormones. :p He is care-free not because he's lazy but because he trusts his Maker. The way he holds my hand makes me feel that even in that simplest gesture of love, he still wants to be gentle, not wanting to harm me. He never asks for anything from me but patiently waits through the hurting. The best part is.. he wasn't able to get through to my heart with lavish gifts or empty talks, but on his knees he sought the Lord and asked for me. That's why I'm so inlove with him. The Lord has answered all my prayers, He gave me the best. Thank You Lord, I love You!